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Harrisburg Worker’s Compensation Lawyer > Lancaster Workplace Back Injury Lawyer

Lancaster Workplace Back Injury Lawyer

Workers of all types can suffer back injuries at work. In fact, back injuries account for 20% of all workplace injuries and illnesses in the United States, which means that virtually anyone can struggle with this issue. You might have suffered a back injury while trying to lift a box of files at your office. Perhaps you suffered a back injury on a construction site while moving lumber. Maybe you simply bent down to pick up a pencil, and you felt something shift out of place. Whatever the case may be, these common workplace injuries deserve care and attention.

Unfortunately, workers often hesitate to get the treatment they need to fully recover due to financial concerns. Many Lancaster residents are living paycheck to paycheck, and missing work for even a few weeks due to a back injury could result in serious financial pressures. With these pressures in mind, paying for medical treatment might seem out of the question.

When you team up with a qualified, experienced workers’ compensation attorney in Lancaster, you can overcome these financial pressures by filing a workers’ compensation claim for your back injury. As an American worker, you are guaranteed a settlement if you suffer a legitimate workplace injury. With assistance from our Lancaster workplace back injury lawyer, you can get the funds you need to pay for medical expenses and missed wages.

What Should I Do After Suffering a Back Injury?

After suffering a workplace back injury in Lancaster, you should immediately let your employer know about the incident. File an official injury report in writing if possible, and inform your employer of as many details as you can remember. Remember, you can recover compensation without assigning blame. This means that it doesn’t matter whether you or your employer caused the accident, and you simply need to create a written record of the accident actually occurring.

The next thing you need to do is get medical treatment as soon as possible. If you’re concerned about the cost of these treatments, you should know that your workers’ comp settlement will cover these expenses. Getting treatment is important because it shows that your injuries are legitimate.

What Kind of Settlement Can I Get?

Your settlement amount depends on your total missed wages and the cost of your medical expenses. Once you reach your MMI (Maximum Medical Improvement), you can start to calculate how much money you will lose in the future based on missed wages. You typically multiply your weekly wage by .66 and then multiply that number by up to 500 months. This can result in settlements in the six-figure range.

Enlist the Help of a Qualified Attorney Today

If you’ve been searching for a qualified, experienced workers’ compensation attorney in Lancaster, look no further than Ira H. Weinstock, P.C. Over the years, we have helped numerous workers receive the settlements they need and deserve. We understand that a workplace injury can result in serious financial pressures, and we’re ready to help you address these understandable concerns in an efficient, confident manner. Book your consultation today, and we can go over your legal options together.

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