What Should I Expect After I File A Workers’ Compensation Claim?

Getting hurt at work can be devastating. When a workplace injury occurs, you will need to receive medical care and you may need a significant time away from work in order to recover. In some circumstances, a workplace injury results in a permanent disability that is partial or total, limiting your ability to return to work in any capacity or preventing it altogether. When you file a workers’ compensation claim in order to seek coverage for your medical care and payment for a portion of your lost wages, how should you expect the claims process to progress and how long will it take before you receive the compensation you need? Our Harrisburg workers’ compensation lawyers have information to help clarify what the process looks like. If you need assistance, you should always reach out to an attorney who can help.
Report Your Injury Immediately
The first stage of any workers’ compensation claim involves reporting your injury to your employer immediately. Your employer will then be required to file a First Report of Injury through the Pennsylvania Bureau of Workers’ Compensation within 7 days of the date of your injury if your injury will prevent you from working more than a day or a shift. You should seek medical attention as quickly as possible, recognizing that you will be able to have your medical bills related to your workplace injury covered retroactively.
Receive a Claim Number from the State Workers’ Insurance Fund
Once your employer reports your injury, you will receive a letter from the State Workers’ Insurance Fund (SWIF) that will assign a number to your claim. For all workplace injuries that last more than 7 days, a SWIF investigator will contact you directly.
Wait for the Insurance Company to Consider Your Claim
The insurance company will then need to consider your claim. This process, or waiting period, will involve an investigation into your claim and your workplace injury. In most cases, the insurance company has 21 days to investigate your claim and to determine whether it will be accepted or rejected.
Receive Notice of Acceptance or Rejection
You will receive a notice of acceptance or rejection concerning your claim. Given the other timing requirements discussed above, you should receive this notice within 28 days from the date that you report your injury to your employer. If your claim is accepted, you will receive a payment for lost wages within 10 business days. In addition to payment for lost wages that will continue as you seek treatment and work to recover from your injury, you may also be eligible to receive retroactive lost wages from the waiting period while you were unable to work. Your payment amount will be based on the wages you were earning at the time of your workplace injury.
File an Appeal If Your Claim is Rejected
If your claim is rejected, a Harrisburg workers’ compensation lawyer can help you with the appeals process.
Contact a Workers’ Compensation Attorney in Harrisburg
Do you have questions about seeking workers’ compensation benefits? You should contact an experienced Harrisburg workers’ compensation lawyer at Ira H. Weinstock, P.C. for more information.
What Should I Expect After I File A Workers’ Compensation Claim?dli.pa.gov/Businesses/Compensation/WC/Pages/default.aspx