Filling Out Function Reports For Social Security Disability Benefits In Harrisburg

If you suffer an injury or illness that leaves you unable to work, getting Social Security disability benefits in Harrisburg can provide a lifeline. These benefits can reimburse up to two-thirds of your lost income, but getting approved is typically a challenge. Many claims are denied or delayed, often due to mistakes and errors in completing the required forms.
One of the most important forms you will need to complete is the Function Report. Our Harrisburg Social Security disability lawyer explains how it impacts your claim and offers tips on how to fill it out properly.
Function Reports In Social Security Claims
Disability benefits available through the Social Security Administration (SSA) can help offset lost income in the event an injury, severe illness, or chronic health condition prevents you from working. Provided you meet the guidelines, which include having a qualifying condition and having earned enough work credits, you may be entitled to monthly payments of up to $3,000 or more.
In filing a claim, you will need to submit a number of different types of documents. One of the most important is a Function Report. This provides additional details about the following:
- The people you live with;
- Whether you require assistance at home;
- Whether you care for other people or pets;
- How your condition impacts your ability to feed, cloth, and otherwise care for yourself;
- Whether you are limited in performing household tasks;
- Your primary means of transportation;
- How you currently support yourself;
- Whether you require a cane or other assistive devices;
- Your hobbies and activities;
- How your condition impacts you on the job.
Tips for Filling Out Social Security Disability Function Reports
The Social Security Disability Function Report can be exhausting to fill out. However, it is important to devote your full attention to the task, as the information it contains plays a key role in determining your eligibility for benefits. The following are tips we recommend to guide you through the process:
- Do not rush to complete the form.
- Do not skip any questions.
- Give careful consideration to each of your responses.
- Take care not to contradict information provided elsewhere on the form.
- Be direct and avoid providing any excess or irrelevant information.
- When giving a response, think of your abilities on your moderate to worst days.
- Avoid either downplaying or exaggerating your pain or your level of disability.
- Only discuss conditions you are currently seeking medical treatment and disability benefits for.
- Complete section 20 first, as it is one of the most important and can help in clarifying your other responses.
Our Harrisburg Social Security Disability Lawyer Is Here To Help
When filing a claim for Social Security disability benefits in Harrisburg and completing the required forms, get the professional legal guidance you need at Ira H. Weinstock, P.C. We help clients get their benefits in the fastest and most efficient manner possible. Call or contact our Harrisburg Social Security disability lawyer online to request a consultation today.